
Hi there, if you have made it to my page, you are probably wondering why in the world a 35 yr old woman has this template. LOL Let me explain!! First of all I am kimmee, I live in Montana with my hubby and 4 kids. I also have a part time job, answering the phone at a customer service desk. My life is a whirlwind of everything from teenage hormones to 3 yr old temper tantrums. And if you have never worked in customer service, let me just tell you customer service basically means the customer gets to scream at you and you have to like it. So my life is an adventure but I love every minute of it. Still wondering why the pink?? Well the story goes like this. My youngest daughter, Hannah is "THE BABY" I don't know if you have a "baby" in your family but if you do, you will understand where I am comming from. I guess "babies" get passed down from generation to generation. My sister is 24 and is still "the baby." "Babies" get certian perks, number one they never have to grow up, Santa Clause never stops visiting them, and I guess the tooth fairy will cart away their permanant teeth leaving coins under the pillow, when they are old enough for dentures. But we are all guilty of making the "babies" what they are. I can say being the oldest of 3 I certianly did my part in creating the "baby!" I was 11 when the first"baby" showed up, and I found myself at 31 laying my eyes on yet another "baby." Now, Hannah is in every sense of the word a true "baby." She is spoiled rotton!! We all do it, the other kids and my hubby are just as guilty as I am. What Hannah wants, Hannah gets. So, Hannah has a blanket she calls a "silk." She drags this thing all over the house and can't sleep without it. I am completely convienced that she will drag that thing straight up the asile with her thumb in her mouth on her wedding day. The precious "silk" is a twin sized satin comforter. It's purple on one side and pink on the other. It is extremely important that the pink side ALWAYS be showing. There is the occasional time that in a hurry we cover her up with the purple side on top, but don't for one minute think that this crime goes unpunished. We are reminded very quickly that Hannah in fact likes pink! How could we forget something so important? So in the hussle and bussle of everyday life I am constantly reminded that Hannah likes pink. As a matter of fact "I Like Pink" is said more in my house than any other phrase. So in the quiet of the morning after hubby is gone to work and the kids are still sleeping, I am online searching for a bit of quiet sanity, and a new blog template. Low and behold I come across this lovely pink template and the words screaming in my head, I LIKE PINK! So now that you know why I couldn't possibly pass up this template, on to other things.

I created this blog, in the beginning, to share my photos. But as I added photos the blog began getting really cluttered so I decided to expand. I have moved the photos to their own home on a brand new blog page. And I am eventually going to add blog pages for tubes I have made and photo manips I have done. So my little peice of the web has just gotten bigger.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Some ppl are just rude

I went into a chatroom recently looking for some friendly conversation, and the ppl in there were so rude. I said hello and one of them responded, but they were ganging up on this one person claiming that they were not who they said they were. And I remember a day when I might have been involved in something like that. But honestly today it seems so childish, I guess we change over the years. I just left, there was no point in hanging around listening to this rubbish. And come to think of it, the very same thing happened the last time I was in that chatroom. I wonder if these ppl don't have things going on in their own lives and they have to live through chatroom drama. I really do feel sorry for those who are bored enough to be living in this way, it's sad....